Nature’s Heart is Always Open 

I’ve been talking to nature from a young age. If I have a question, I go into the forest or to the waters and ask for the answer. The rock or the tree will whisper me a few words, and then I can see clearly. Or sometimes I just compare my problem with how nature solves it. For example, if I want to grow, I look at the tree and explore the way it grows. In its weave of roots I recognize my life path. I see how the tree overcomes the obstacles and I apply it to my situation. What would I do if I were the tree.

Sometimes paths split - a stump divides into two trees. Or an old dying tree gives life to a new one - it means I should let the weight of the past go to start a new life.

And so on. Does my mind just relax when I’m in nature, or the trees and rocks actually talk to me - I don’t know. But it helps, a lot.

The most powerful aspect of finding a kind of nature and climate that you love, that reflects your personality and unfolds your soul - is discovering the greatest healing process within yourself. When natural elements resonate with your vibration, echo your heartbeats, help you to see a meaning in everything - you are happy. It's easier to explore the connection between your health problems and your life approach, between your troubles in relationships and your feelings, your current reality and internal processes. Balancing your mental state is getting more achievable. Easy to say - hard to do. I was fighting for living in the place I love naturewise for many years. Now I'm here and it helps me to live more in peace with my disability, to have much better relationships with the loved ones and everyone around, to enjoy life.

When you turn into a more fulfilled powerful person, the approach of reality changes immediately. The connection with nature is awakening the deepest understanding that we are a part of a giant, endless mechanism that we call the world. A lot of inner and external fights start losing sence…

What does it mean - “Nature’s heart is always open”

There are never any masks, secrets or social frames when you are surrounded with nature. It is obvious that we can't completely ignore the social rules. They help us to grow. It's an incredibly magical process, to be connected with each other. But by flaking off some exaggerated ideas and mind-programs that we've inhaled from other people, society, we can create our life with much more love. We are a part of nature no matter what. Keeping attention at the heart of nature inside of us while making decisions opens new perspectives for us.

Hug the tree and cry. You can share your life with it even more honestly than with your mother. Wash your face in the creek’s waters. Cold freshness will reset your thoughts.

Sometimes, when I feel mad, or sad, sick, or resistive, I tell myself “It’s natural”. And I immediately feel better. My reaction is a natural response to circumstances. So I accept my feelings, relieve them in a non-toxic way if needed, analyze why this situation happened to me and act from that, from my heart.


My art is inspired by nature. And millions of artists create in the same way. It develops local cultures. Since nature is absolutely unique in every area of the world, local creators tell an unrepeatable story about each place.

Artists inevitably reflect their feelings in art as well. The combination of an artist's emotion and the healing process that he/she goes through by connecting with nature helps the artist to grow. This growing process touches other’s hearts and helps people heal themselves as well.

For example, when I had a fight in my mind, emotions were so fast, controversial and painful, so I found its reflection in the crowd of fighting crows. They are dark, screaming, fast, tricky and greedy, just like my thoughts, feelings were at that time. 
These birds were destroying tender hydrangea flowers in my vision. Just like I was damaging myself with the thoughts.

I painted “Summer Night”. With every brush stroke I was accepting and relieving my tension. Isn’t it magical? I’m sure this design helped me to see the life circumstances in a fresher way and to find the solutions.

I sincerely wish for all of us to touch nature, with our bodies, feelings, emotions and hearts. With or without artistic expression, it’s the same path. Wherever we are, we talk to the same powerful energy that loves us much more than we can ever imagine.

My favorite vibe is soft and slightly cold Canadian West Coast forest with giant mossy trees and ferns. I lay down on the ground, laugh or cry, smell the plants and explore mushrooms. Also, the cold foggy ocean, with dark clouds and barely visible sun. This cool wind keeps me alive.

What is your favorite nature? I’ll be happy to discuss it with you in the comment section.

Thank you for your time.
With love, Kristina.